Three-quarters of entrepreneurs are experiencing a staff shortage

Three-quarters of entrepreneurs (over 75 percent) are experiencing a labor shortage at the beginning of the third quarter. This is slightly less than a year earlier, when over 84 percent faced the same issue. More than 40 percent also view the shortage as the main obstacle in their business operations. Over a third (36 percent) of entrepreneurs indicate that the workload for staff has increased due to the staff shortage. This was reported by CBS, KVK, the Economic Institute for Construction, MKB-Nederland, and VNO-NCW based on the Netherlands Business Cycle Survey (COEN). The data for this survey was collected in July.

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Three-quarters of entrepreneurs are experiencing a staff shortage - Tekort aan arbeidskrachten als belangrijkste belemmering

Labor shortage as the main obstacle

In the Netherlands Business Survey, entrepreneurs also indicate what the most important obstacle is to their business operations. In mid-2021, when most corona restrictions expired, the percentage of entrepreneurs who experience labor shortages as the main obstacle rose rapidly. At the beginning of the third quarter of 2022, this was the highest at almost 48 percent. It then gradually decreased to more than 40 percent at the beginning of the third quarter of 2023. Entrepreneurs in the catering industry, business services and transport and storage most often experience a shortage of personnel as the main obstacle.

Higher workload for staff is the main consequence

Higher workload for staff is the most important consequence of the staff shortage. This is what 36 percent of entrepreneurs think. 15 percent indicate that labor costs have increased and more than 11 percent say they are hiring less suitable staff. Entrepreneurs in the catering and retail industry most often experience a staff shortage. Retailers most often mention the higher workload as the most important consequence at more than 54 percent. In the catering industry, relatively many entrepreneurs experience increased labor costs as the main consequence of the tight labor market. Compared to a year ago, the share of entrepreneurs with a shortage of personnel has decreased most in agriculture, forestry and fishing, wholesale and trade mediation and information and communication. This is correct in mineral extraction and retail.

Three-quarters of entrepreneurs are experiencing a staff shortage - Higher workload for staff is the main consequence
Three-quarters of entrepreneurs are experiencing a staff shortage - Various obstacles to finding staff

Various obstacles to finding staff

Companies experience various obstacles when finding staff. In addition to the fact that more than a quarter of companies indicate that the number of job seekers is limited, more than 16 percent indicate that there is a lack of qualified people. Companies in the car trade and repair and industry relatively often experience this as the main obstacle. In addition, more than 14 percent of companies indicate that potential workers are more likely to choose work outside their sector. Entrepreneurs within the catering and retail industry indicate this relatively often. In addition, almost 11 percent of companies indicate that potential workers have higher demands than they can or want to offer. This occurs relatively often in information and communication and culture, sports and recreation.

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