Innovative franchise formula

In 2011, Baden + started as a new franchise formula for specialist bathroom stores. To open up such a market you really have to come up with something new. In addition to a sophisticated marketing strategy for the advertising agency, we provided input in the field of internet marketing.

Your own site for every franchisee

Baden + was the first to offer every franchisee their own site. Very handy because most participants not only sell bathrooms, but also offer installation work or sell kitchens. A big plus for the franchisees is that from now on they no longer have to incur costs for their own website.

Insight into customer satisfaction

Each franchise owner can invite customers themselves to rate the store with a few clicks. This makes the website extra tempting for potential customers. Moreover, it makes Google extra satisfied, which in turn translates nicely into extra visitors to the various websites.

Results directly in Salesforce

All responses that come in via the various sites are immediately processed fully automatically and correctly in Salesforce. As a result, responses are handled optimally and making a results report by Baden + is only a matter of pressing a button.

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